Lounge chairs will be available for use, but you are able to bring your own lounge chair if you prefer.
Only patrons with pool passes may leave and re-enter the facility without paying again, if capacity allows.
No swim masks that cover a swimmer's nose are allowed in the pool. Why? The nose needs to be exposed for rescue breathing and if there is possibility of a spinal injury, the lifeguard isn't allowed to move or touch the victim's head in any way. All other goggles are permissable.
Do not enter the pool if you have a communicable disease or open cut.
Do not bring food, drink, gum, or tobacco into the pool or onto the deck.
Shower before entering the pool and after using toilet facilities.
No diving in shallow areas of the pool and other areas where it is marked no diving.
NO horseplay in or around the swimming pool. Children's behavior is the parent's responsibility at all times.
NO running on the deck.
Do not bring animals into the pool.
Proper swimwear is required to swim. NOT acceptable are basketball mesh shorts, thong bikini, cotton or jean shorts, t-shirts, sports bras, etc.
Tubes for infants and toddlers are acceptable in the shallow pool area and may not go past the RED line, however individuals have to be within arms length of a parent or guardian.
Only one person on the slides at a time. No sliding until previous person has cleared the slide.
Lifejackets are not permitted. Lifejackets can be bulky and can block a guard's view of the bottom of the pool. Lifejackets can provide a false sense of security, discourage parents from watching their kids and make it harder for lifeguards to do their jobs.
Diving Boards - lifejackets are not permitted when jumping off the diving boards. In order to jump off the diving boards you need to be able to pass a swim test. Lifeguards can ask patrons to take the swim test at any time and decide if you are qualified to use the diving board safely.
Non-potty trained children must wear a swim diaper. Swim diapers must be worn under a swimsuit and are available for purchase at the front desk.
No swim noodles or squirt guns are allowed in the pool.
No glass, drugs, or alcohol in the facility.
No smoking (including vaping) anywhere on pool grounds including in the building and on pool decks,
No party items such as balloons, cakes, large cookies, trophies, gifts, etc. are allowed during regular pool hours.
Height requirement for the slides is 48 inches.
In the case of a fecal or vomit contamination, the facility may be closed for up to 24 hours.
If thunder is heard, the pool must be cleared for 30 minutes and remain clear until 30 minutes from the last sound of thunder. If there is lightning, everyone must leave the pool premises. The pool may close in the case of heavy rain as well. The pool may re-open after storms have passed.